Sunday, May 30, 2021

50 Peaks by Age 50 Part 2 - 8/50 - 19/50

 8/50 - April 7, 2021: Little Baldy Loop: 7.0 mi, 3,056 ft.  I did this hike with the Hike The Wasatch group from Facebook.  It was a great route and fun time getting to know that group.

9/50 - May 29, 2021: Maple Mountain: 8.7 mi, 3,881 ft.  Andrew and I started at about 8AM and the front of Y-mountain was in shade until we got up past the top of the Y.  This was a beautiful hike. We both commented that we couldn't believe what nice places (trees, wildflowers, etc...) were just a few miles above Provo.

If you do decide to hike this one, follow the AllTrails map closely near the top.  We followed a parallel track that was MUCH harder picking our way through bushes and things.

10-13/50 - June 11, 2021: Big Cottonwood Lake/Peak Loop, UT: 8.0 mi, 2,569 ft.  This was a beautiful Friday night activity that hit a ton of lakes and peaks in a short distance.  It felt like cheating to hit so many mountains in such a short time, but each had a unique view and was worth it in its own right.  10.) Sunset Peak, 10,670 ft, 11.) Mt Tuscarora, 10601 ft, 12.) Mt. Wolverine, 10762 ft, 13.) Patsy Marley Peak, 10525 ft.


15-16/50 - June 23, 2021: Rose Knob Peak & Unnamed Peak, Lake Tahoe, CA: 6.7 mi, 1,964 ft.  The main goal with this hike was to get views of my favorite lake on the planet, but while I was at it I decided to hit one extra peak on the way down.  It just seemed to need some love even though it didn't have a fancy name.

17-19/50 - July 5, 2021: Mt Timpanogos Main Peak, South Peak, and an unnamed peak in between that also needed love:  (5.8+11.6) mi, (3,315 + 2,610) ft (Day 1 + Day 2).  I did this in two days, so I could hike when the light was best and the temperatures were more reasonable.  I hiked to Emerald Lake in the evening on 7/4 (carrying a pack, which I felt climbing 3,300 ft!) and then the next day I climbed three peaks, slide down the glacier, then retrieved my pack and hiked back.  There were way too many amazing photos to post them all.  This is a popular hike and now I see why!

Behind me in this photo you can see the Timp South peak (left) and the unnamed peak (right)