Sunday, October 3, 2021

50 Peaks by 50 Part 3 - 20-25/50

20/50 - Aug. 3, 2021: Squaw Peak: 7.9 mi, 2,750 ft.  Although I had hiked in Rock Canyon in the shadow of this peak dozens of times when I was a student, I had never been to the top of Squaw Peak.  Andrew beat me to the top of this one but was willing to do it again on a somewhat smoky day (due to the California and Oregon wildfires.


21/50 - Sept 11, 2021: Y-Mountain East Peak: 7.0 mi, 3,549 ft.  This isn't quite a repeat since last time I did the false western peak.  This side has a great view of the mountains beyond, and once again I love the high aspen forest.  I actually hiked to the top of the Y with a huge group of BYU Mechanical Engineering students, and as we did the sun shown only on campus. Then, to celebrate my birthday I continued to the top.

22-23/50 - October 2, 2021: Timpanogos Main Peak (repeat), Bomber Peak: 17.3 mi, 4,729 ft.  While I had hiked Timp once before, I had not taken the Timpooneke trail, so most of this was new to me, and just for good measure I threw in Bomber Peak. The fall colors were unbelievable, some say the best in several years.

In the middle of this picture you can see one of the peaks (probably East Peak) that I had left behind just a few hours ago.  This little waterfall provided a little extra hydration for the trip.

I started early and saw the sun rise on the trail.  This is looking over towards Emerald Lake.  In the first basin, I could see lights from other hikers on the hillside and Orion in the sky above.  (The photo doesn't do it justice.)

As I approached Bomber peak, these guys were coming down the trail.  I backed off and sat to listen to General Conference and as I did they made their way right past me.

I attempted to follow the ridge all the way to the north peak as well, and made it almost there but at this point I was out of time and out of energy.  I'll be back for you, North Peak.

24/50 - November 20, 2021: Lion's Head (trail to Provo Peak): 9.0 mi, 3,720 ft.  For some time now I've wanted to climb Provo Peak, that white capped mountain that looms behind and above Y Mountain.  I ran out of time and energy but I did climb a great little peak that is on the way.  While the Y-part of the trail is not so much fun, you do climb past it quickly and the upper basin is beautiful.

Forget about saving the best for last, here is a panorama from the top, where you can see the Slate Canyon peaks on the left, Y-mountain is hidden in the middle, Timp and Cascade way in the distance right of center, and Provo peak on the far right.
When hiking the Y you could hardly believe there were any trees on the mountain above; this hike takes you through some great forested areas.

But my favorite part of this hike is the feel of the huge basin that you are moving through as you get behind Y Mountain.  Who knew all of this was hiding just out of sight as I sit at my desk in Provo?

25/50 - December 3-5, 2021: Angel's Landing & Zion's West Rim: 22 mi, 5,600 ft (over three days). We had unseasonably warm weather, so Andrew and I took three days to hike in Zion's.  We did about 5 miles in (gaining 3000 feet) to Campsite #2, which had the amazing view that you see below.  Day 2 we hiked the loop on the West Rim, and Day 3 we hiked down with a detour to visit the top of Angel's Landing.  While it is popular and busy, Angel's Landing is truly one of the most amazing spots on the earth.


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Want to get to know me?

In case you are interested in getting to know the writer of this blog a little better, here is a little Q&A:

What do you like to do in your free time?

A few years ago I rediscovered my love for hiking, and these days I head to the mountains any time I have free time.  I also enjoy downhill skiing (actually, anything with the word ski in it), mountain biking (I don't really enjoy riding on the road), golf, tennis and card games.

What is your favorite book?

I think my favorite book is the "Beyonders" series by Brandon Mull.  I absolutely love the characters (Ferrin, Drake, Rachel, ...) but what I love most about this is the way it makes me think about faith and doubt.  How do we decide who to believe in the midst of uncertainty? How do we react when that faith seems to be leading us to a terrible end?

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

I haven't met very many ice creams that I didn't like, but my favorite ice cream is actually a frozen custard: Culvers Mint Oreo is my favorite, and Oreo Overload or Heath Bar are probably close seconds.

What is your favorite movie?

 I think my favorite movie is "Life is Beautiful," but only if you watch it in Italian with English subtitles -the experience is so unique and it has a great message.  But I also love anything Star Wars, the Marvel movies, just about any action movie and more Rom-Com than I should confess to :).

Sunday, May 30, 2021

50 Peaks by Age 50 Part 2 - 8/50 - 19/50

 8/50 - April 7, 2021: Little Baldy Loop: 7.0 mi, 3,056 ft.  I did this hike with the Hike The Wasatch group from Facebook.  It was a great route and fun time getting to know that group.

9/50 - May 29, 2021: Maple Mountain: 8.7 mi, 3,881 ft.  Andrew and I started at about 8AM and the front of Y-mountain was in shade until we got up past the top of the Y.  This was a beautiful hike. We both commented that we couldn't believe what nice places (trees, wildflowers, etc...) were just a few miles above Provo.

If you do decide to hike this one, follow the AllTrails map closely near the top.  We followed a parallel track that was MUCH harder picking our way through bushes and things.

10-13/50 - June 11, 2021: Big Cottonwood Lake/Peak Loop, UT: 8.0 mi, 2,569 ft.  This was a beautiful Friday night activity that hit a ton of lakes and peaks in a short distance.  It felt like cheating to hit so many mountains in such a short time, but each had a unique view and was worth it in its own right.  10.) Sunset Peak, 10,670 ft, 11.) Mt Tuscarora, 10601 ft, 12.) Mt. Wolverine, 10762 ft, 13.) Patsy Marley Peak, 10525 ft.


15-16/50 - June 23, 2021: Rose Knob Peak & Unnamed Peak, Lake Tahoe, CA: 6.7 mi, 1,964 ft.  The main goal with this hike was to get views of my favorite lake on the planet, but while I was at it I decided to hit one extra peak on the way down.  It just seemed to need some love even though it didn't have a fancy name.

17-19/50 - July 5, 2021: Mt Timpanogos Main Peak, South Peak, and an unnamed peak in between that also needed love:  (5.8+11.6) mi, (3,315 + 2,610) ft (Day 1 + Day 2).  I did this in two days, so I could hike when the light was best and the temperatures were more reasonable.  I hiked to Emerald Lake in the evening on 7/4 (carrying a pack, which I felt climbing 3,300 ft!) and then the next day I climbed three peaks, slide down the glacier, then retrieved my pack and hiked back.  There were way too many amazing photos to post them all.  This is a popular hike and now I see why!

Behind me in this photo you can see the Timp South peak (left) and the unnamed peak (right)